This week, a little bit of my faith was restored in visionary business people everywhere.
For a long time, I’ve worked under the thumb of CEOs and managers who don’t necessarily recognize or even understand the merit and talent of their employees. Not to say that they’re bad people, but the underlings are there to do low level tasks and not think about challenge or career advancement. Needless to say, this is frustrating, stagnating and just bad for morale. Not the reason I’m still paying for my degree – not by a long shot.
But, glory hallelujah, I’ve now seen evidence that that’s not always the case. Over a sushi lunch and tea, I enjoyed a nice chat with a seemingly laid-back CEO and idea generator. I’ve only met him in person once, but between that and our phone and email conversations, I’m getting the idea that he has genuine respect for the work and growth of his employees and contractors. Like most CEOs, he has lots of ideas, not all of which fall under his area of expertise. However, unlike other CEOs I’ve met, this one knows it, and wants to find the right people to make his visions a reality. As a bonus, he’s willing to pay them a respectable wage.
It’s just another one of those little triumphs that reassures me about going freelance. It’s so nice when the universe tells you you’re right… again.
Additionally, I’ve been enjoying the marketing work I’m doing for an up and coming local publishing house. It’s allowed me to venture into an industry I’ve always wondered about but generally felt fenced out of in Grand Rapids. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to share regarding that experience in the coming months as well.
What else…? Definitely feeling the crunch time before a Halloween party this Saturday. Any costume suggestions?