Roasted Roots

raw root vegetables glass baking dish seasoning

As we head toward fall (ugh), root vegetables just seem like appropriate additions to the table. They’re hearty, colorful and packed with flavor. Of course, many of them have been in season for a while now, so it should be no problem to find them at local markets.

In the months after Iris was born, I discovered that roasted root vegetables were just about the simplest, most satisfying thing for my over-tired, voraciously hungry self to prepare and eat. A friend and I were splitting a farm share, and each week saw my counter full of beets, onions, turnips, carrots and more, so the ingredients were on hand. After some variation with dicing and shredding, I got overwhelmed and decided to just cut the roots into large chunks.

Who knew that something as simple as roasting could be so satisfying? Also, I just want to take a minute to comment on beets.
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(some of) The Best Things

man woman send wedding lanternOn Saturday we went to a lovely wedding. The weather was perfect, the setting was gorgeous and the couple was beaming.

Do not let the crazy eyes in the photo fool you – we had a fantastic time.

There’s nothing like a celebratory gathering of friends on a quaint farm surrounded by beautiful gardens. Not to mention live Irish music in a festively decorated barn, more than seven kinds of cheesecake and a whiskey and cigar bar. Rounding it out with a send off of lanterns, which drifted right toward the almost full moon, made it a truly perfect evening.

We even accidentally on purpose ate a little bit of jerky dip, because it was fantastic and had a nice bite.

Sometimes the simplest things really are the best things. I am honored that the couple allowed us to take part in their celebration, and that we were able to make the most of it.

Happy Monday!

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Savory Oatmeal & Egg Breakfast

savory oatmeal breakfast ingredients countertop

I eat oatmeal just about every day. For years I hated the stuff, and came around mainly because of how healthy, filling, easy and cheap it is.

Now, I can’t wait to consume my daily portion.

Lately, I’ve been opting to prepare a savory, rather than sweet, oatmeal breakfast. This originated with a habit I formed years ago of crushing a boiled egg into my plain steel cut oats, mainly to save time at work. It looked odd, but eggs with grain is really not so strange, and the yolk provided a rich flavor for the bland oats.

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Christmas in August

father daughter gift bag presentsMy husband’s father’s family has started a tradition of Christmas in August. If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that I have a few complaints about the holiday season. However, this new practice has actually captured what I like best about the holidays, and left out the snow and other distasteful things.

The tradition started last year as an excuse for all getting together. Over the past decade, each year would see us gathering for a bridal or baby shower or  wedding, but Iris was sort of the end of that – at least for the foreseeable future. Now we need to find other reasons, and Christmas in August was our aunt’s wonderful idea.

It’s great. Our branch drives the three hours to Ft. Wayne, IN (in great conditions because it’s August!) and is welcomed to a house full of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. There’s eating and laughing and swimming in the new pool. No one has to dress up, and the food is Mexican take out, so all anyone has to do is assemble their own tacos. Our generous hosts have time to relax and everyone has a fabulous time.

We do exchange gifts, but in the white elephant sense. This year, we came home with Eggies and a Macy’s box full of nylons. I gave away a “stained glass” golf themed picture frame, for which I paid $1.47 at Goodwill.

Of course, I enjoy a lot of the cozy festiveness that comes with the winter solstice holidays. But the important thing is being with those you love, and Christmas in August allows us to focus on that. I’m already looking forward to next year.

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Am I Running Yet?

girl running black on whiteI am not a runner. I just happen to like moving forward quickly sometimes.

Scoff if you must. But I’ve heard others use the phrase “I’m not a vegetarian, I just don’t eat meat,” and it makes sense to me.

These terms – runner and vegetarian – invoke not just an action or choice, but a culture. I’ve gone for a few runs, but I do not see myself joining the larger running culture anytime soon.

Of course, I also used to say I could never live without steak. Huh.

Anyway, here’s the thing: I’ve tried running. Last night saw me go out into my childhood neighborhood for my third official run. I do not make route plans, I do not own a foam roller. I do try to run a couple of times a week. I have no goals, other than to maintain and prevent. I do intend to work toward longer, more consistent runs (meaning with fewer walk breaks).

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Queen Reluctant

queen of hearts playing cardThis is really not anything… simply phrases that my brain said while I was in the bathhouse shower of a shoreline campground, with a little extra added for length.


If the circumstances of my birth had been different, if I’d been born poor, male or five centuries later perhaps, I could have made something of myself.

Instead, something was made of me.

The girl that I was did not want to be queen. I’d seen what it had done to my aunt, and wanted only to live life unencumbered by the weight of a nation and constant threat of death. It’s astounding how little one can relax when seeing assassination lurking around every corner.

But, here I am, and here I shall stay. I hope at least that it will be entertaining.


Off topic: It has been three years today since I last ate meat (other than seafood). My overall dietary philosophies have changed somewhat, but I am still very glad to not be supporting an industry that feeds people low quality meat and meat products, and mistreats the animals that share our terrain.

It is also my dear mother’s birthday 🙂


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Eight and Counting on a Monday

bride and groom dancing reception Last week got stupid. I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say that by Friday, I basically felt like the biggest loser in Loserville.

But today is different. Today is the 8th anniversary of the day I married my personal hero. It was the happiest day of my life (until Iris, though that’s a completely different kind of happy).

I don’t care how cliche or co-dependant it makes me sound – marrying my husband is one of those things I do not question in any realm of reality. He’s my best friend, and I cannot imagine life without him.

My hope is that everyone finds this kind of fulfillment, whether it be through the love of another person, career and academic accomplishment, spirituality, art, science, music, children, animals or nature. For me it was this, and I wish for all of you to know my joy.

To the start of a wonderful week!

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Prepare – NDT and Cosmos Cometh

The new Cosmos is coming. Few things are as mind blowing, and potentially perception changing, as this series. It’s science, history, humanity and the future, all wrapped into a presentation by the greatest minds of our time.

For NDT nerds, I expect this to be an especially monumental event. The trailer is thrilling, and almost makes one emotional with the anticipation of the knowledge it will share.

If you never saw the Carl Sagan original:

Get ready.

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Filed under Science

Getting Down from the Horse, Voting with Choices

long legged horse bronze sculptureI don’t want to be on a high horse. Realizing that I might sometimes put myself in an ideal light on this blog, I assure you, it is always with the intention of encouraging readers to be happy and healthy.

But today, I will confess. Following is a list of things I do that are less than healthy, eco-conscious, socially conscious, progressive or productive. I am not proud, but simply human.

Let me preface the list by saying that some of these shortcomings are due to time and money constraints. If you are fortunate enough to have the time and money to make better choices for yourself, your family and your world, I implore you to do so. When you vote with your choices (economically and socially), you ask the industry and community to take heed. The result will be better options for the rest of us.

Without further ado:

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Freelance Distractions: Work Topics

cupcake variety flavors

I am endlessly delighted by work assignments that are out of the norm. As a great deal of my writing is about law firms, HVAC contractors, dental services and other such… engaging subjects, I get pretty excited to write about an acting studio or kids’ toy company.

Of course, the danger is when these clients sell things I want to eat. This week, I’ve been writing for a cupcake company in New Jersey, and now all I can think about is vanilla bean frosting and how great cupcakes look on tiered dishes.

While I was pregnant, I actually stopped working and drove across town to the only frozen yogurt joint in the area, just because I’d been staring at brightly colored pictures and luscious descriptions for hours on end. Needless to say, the hubby had no complaints when I showed up in his office with a dish of gooey yogurty goodness for him as well.

This is a common problem for freelance writers, I imagine. At the moment, it’s probably a good thing that I don’t have a car to take me on a cupcake hunt of our city. It would not end well.

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