Tag Archives: beets

Roasted Roots

raw root vegetables glass baking dish seasoning

As we head toward fall (ugh), root vegetables just seem like appropriate additions to the table. They’re hearty, colorful and packed with flavor. Of course, many of them have been in season for a while now, so it should be no problem to find them at local markets.

In the months after Iris was born, I discovered that roasted root vegetables were just about the simplest, most satisfying thing for my over-tired, voraciously hungry self to prepare and eat. A friend and I were splitting a farm share, and each week saw my counter full of beets, onions, turnips, carrots and more, so the ingredients were on hand. After some variation with dicing and shredding, I got overwhelmed and decided to just cut the roots into large chunks.

Who knew that something as simple as roasting could be so satisfying? Also, I just want to take a minute to comment on beets.
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