Tag Archives: Dutch

Dutch, Part 3 of ?

Confused? Check out Parts I and II.


From smaller to larger water tables…

England grew up on the north eastern edge of the Atlantic Ocean with increasingly powerful monarchs, and a plaiting of the Celtic, Viking, and French cultures, which drove through the channels and previous invaders to get there. The Celts brought the paganism we know today, the Vikings brought language we might recognize, and the French brought feudalism that we’ve twisted into democracy. As generations of British mothers raised generations of English children, the national identity took shape, and there was time for scandal, and the challenging of gender barriers.

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Filed under AutoBio, Of Family and Children

Dutch, Part 2 of ?

As hinted, I am going to make a biweekly departure from the ‘Friday Freelancer Report’ to bring you something a little spicier. This week, it’s the second installation of an experimental piece I started a number of years ago. For the beginning, check out Dutch, Part 1.


Like those post-Roman-treasure-loving warlords, who cared more about hoarding pretty bits of glass and whooping it up than patriotism and social reform, we forget that our actions will for centuries dictate to our descendants where they stand in the social hierarchy of contemporary construction.

Enter my ancestors –

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Filed under History Buff, Of Family and Children

Dutch, Part 1 of ?

Upfront: This is experimental.

“I am one and all of these, as they were all of these after being just the one.”


I am a product of the western European ooze effect. My ancestors slowly crawled over borders, into the lands of others, and assimilated themselves while foreigners crept into their lands and did their best to blend in. The result was a curling of culture around culture, name around name. The Dutch started sounding a lot like the Germans, and the Germans noticed their own resemblance to the French.

Like water, and blood, the branching and entwining bred life, and divergent livelihood. But in reality, they had all come from the same place, and simply made gradual alterations to a once common disposition.

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Filed under AutoBio, History Buff