Golden ovals from Fat Blossom Farm
I used to go to the farmers’ market with a list. These days, I might have a couple things in mind, but I generally just see what catches my eye.
The thing I’ve found is that it’s way more likely you’ll chat with your farmer if you get adventurous and purchase something you never have before. Sure, I know the kale, summer squash and stroopwafel are going to be fabulous, and I’ll thank them kindly, but why not learn about those weird looking tomatoes?
As much as I love tomatoes, I tend to take them for granted. I routinely pick up the small carton of red grape tomatoes at Meijer, and throw them in eggs, salads and quinoa without even thinking about it. Why is my kitchen not full of all shapes, sizes and colors of these nightshades? Because I am tomato-lame.
But no more. I love an excuse to stop by the Fat Blossom Farm table, and last weekend it featured these yellow tomatoes, most of which had a pale green at one end. I bought them without hesitation, and the collection (or what’s left of it) graces my kitchen counter.
For the most part, I’ve been washing and slicing them into disks to eat raw. While I’ve never been overly fond of adding salt to raw veggies, I’ve done it with these. The flavor is nice, and the small sodium boost can’t hurt (I’ve never really liked much salt, and actually don’t consume a lot… maybe not enough. An exploration for later). But in all honesty, the tomatoes don’t need it.
So that’s about it. Go to the farmers’ market, try something new, eat it raw. Oh, and go to the Enchanted Forest Festival at Fat Blossom Farm. Because why not?