So, as most of you now know, I quit my full time job with benefits in mid-late July. The plan was to become a spectacular freelance writer who creates articles, web sites, print publications, my own stellar blog and a successful novel or three. I had lots of energy and drive to spend eight hours a day marketing the hell out of myself, while working in healthy cooking and yoga.
Then, I found out I was pregnant. Yeah… I spent my first two days as a freelance writer in and out of the doctor’s office for blood work, an ultrasound and general anxious disruption. The following weeks, while lovely in the sense that I could sleep in and pander to my nausea and headaches, were not exactly freelance gold.
Fortunately, I never felt as though I’d made the wrong choice. I knew the drudgery of early pregnancy was only temporary (digits one over the other), and the relief I felt in being away from an unhappy work situation reminded me that managing my stress levels was one of the most important things for both me and the Grumpy Grape.