Tag Archives: LinkedIn

The Content Farmer

farming for wordsThere once was a girl who could write. She could write very well, and given the time, might have even written a book.

Sadly, this girl also had bills to pay, student loans to fulfill and a growing family. Her decision earlier in the year to quit a job that, while somewhat maddening and stagnant, provided a steady paycheck was keeping her on her toes. There was very little time for creative fun and the generation of magic on paper.

Known to society as a “freelance writer”, this girl balanced herself between moments of excitement and inspiration and bouts of panic over her insistence to buy organic apples. If only she could grow content and fresh produce.

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Filed under I'm a Professional

Week One:

Well, it’s Friday.

It’s kind of weird that it doesn’t mean the same thing it did a week ago.

My first week as a freelance writer has flown by. Without going into detail, I’ll just say that while it’s been nice to have the time to deal with the curve balls life throws at you, it’s been tough making the time for work. When you’re allowed to let real life be your priority, you go with it.

Of course, that’s not to say that nothing work-related got done. Not by a long shot. Today, I am much more aware of the realities of my choice to abandon steady employment, but I am also more prepared to explore my options and take them up on what they have to offer.

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Filed under I'm a Professional